Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Importance of Learning - My Reading List

By Jeremy Standiford

Education is an integral part of living an extraordinary life. I knew this girl in college that once said, "Knowledge is like an STI, you don't really want it at first, but then you feel compelled to share it with everybody." So that's what I'm doing now, without all those pesky STIs. Education is one of the keys to success, but you don't have to go to college to get a top notch education. Some of the best little tidbits of knowledge I've feasted upon have come from books that I've read outside of a formal classroom setting.

Here is a condensed list of the books I've read and found to be quite helpful in my daily life as well as in building my business. All these links to go so you can click through and get more info if any of these books excite you.

How to Win Friends & Influence People

This is an excellent book, but as Lavar Burton says, "you don't have to take my word for it." This is the #1 best selling personal development book of all time, and the #2 best selling book of all time next to the bible. I recommend ANYONE read this book.

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller--Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century

This book is very popular in the network marketing community. Hill's assertion in this book is that the road to wealth is primarily mental and starts with a burning desire for wealth. He talks about various principles such as "the mastermind" which is basically the concept of synergy when working with other people in a "spirit of perfect harmony".

The Magic of Thinking Big

The main idea of this book is that the big thinkers are the ones that succeed. This goes along with Napoleon Hill's Concept that the road to wealth starts with a burning desire. In truth, the road to anything starts with a burning desire. This book makes for easy reading and has a lot of fun examples as well as useful tools you can use to help yourself think big and succeed.

The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill (Complete, Unabridged)

This is a more in depth book, uses some of the same principles as Think and Grow Rich, but is much more detailed. Napoleon Hill considered this book to be his masterpiece and it's as relevant today as it was when it was written.

Breakthrough Rapid Reading

As long as you're reading a ton of books, you might as well learn to read faster so you can get maximum efficiency out of your time. In the first chapter I went from reading about 375 words per minute to over 500 words per minute just by using the first technique. Awesome book, but like any instructional book, you have to actually read it and do what it says to get the benefits.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

I can't say enough good things about this book. Robert Kiyosaki accurately describes the keys to wealth, but uses stories from his real life. He tells his story about growing up observing his "rich dad" and his "poor dad". His rich dad was his friend's dad, and was not that rich in the beginning of the story, but knew the principles of wealth creation such as leverage and the benefits of owning a business. His poor dad was his biological father and was the superintendent of the Hawaii school district. He was constantly living from paycheck to paycheck and never had much free time despite making good money from his job. Kiyosaki's rich dad teaches him about wealth creation and him and his friend do some hilarious things as kids following their dad's advice. It's a great book, and the best part is that it's all true.

Never Be Lied to Again: How to Get the Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversation Or Situation

This is a great book written by a world renowned PhD Psychologist. The tools he teaches are not based on body language, but rather the person's response to your stimulus. Excellent book, and easy to understand and implement.

You Can Read Anyone: Never Be Fooled, Lied To, or Taken Advantage of Again

Same book written by the same author above, very good, but more focused on discerning the real meaning behind people's behaviors. This stuff is used by national intelligence and law enforcement agencies all the time. Definitely worth a read.

How to Sell Network Marketing Without Fear, Anxiety or Losing Your Friends! (Selling from the Soul. Ancient Wisdoms. Modern Practice)

This is a fantastic book that any salesman can use to achieve success. Michael Oliver claims that listening to your customer and discovering their needs without pitching your product first you can create a win win situation. Oliver claims that this technique has been around for centuries, and that the modern approach of "show and close" is not as effective and does not create a win/win situation 100% of the time.

The 48 Laws of Power

This is an excellent book by Robert Greene, who is a sort of modern day Machiavelli.
The great thing about this book is that along with every "law of power" Greene talks about is a historical example of either observance or transgression of the law. Very interesting especially if you're a history buff, but more than interesting, it's very useful in your daily life. Greene has a number of other books out, but this one is the most popular out of all of them and I highly recommend anyone reading it.

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

In this book, Malcolm Gladwell gives a number of real life examples of how seemingly insignificant things can make a huge difference. Also, Gladwell thinks differently than most people so it really gives you an interesting perspective on life, but don't think that this book is going to be some boring intellectual dribble, this book is very interesting. I'm convinced Gladwell could write a book entitled "The Grass, It's Green, Watch it Grow" and it would be a fascinating read.

Ok, well that's what I have so far, I've read a lot more books than this, but these are some of the most influential one's that I've read. I'll be updating this post periodically to add more books, so check back regularly and see what's new. I'll also probably have a separate "audio series" posting with some of my favorite and most helpful audio series.

If you're struggling to build your network marketing business, more education will help, but it's no substitute for direct action. If you want to succeed in your network marketing business, check out the system I'm using to generate 100-150 leads per day with a positive cashflow.

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