Sunday, February 22, 2009

Did You Grow Up Poor or Disadvantaged? If So, Congratulations!

By Jeremy Standiford

My friend Chris told me the other day that I was the hungriest person he knew. I considered that a huge compliment, because the key to success is hunger. Being dissatisfied with your current situation and wanting something more and better and making the decision to change is all it takes to succeed. That's why being poor or disadvantaged is such a huge asset. As long as you're willing to take action to achieve your desire and educate yourself to achieve your goals, you will be successful. Throughout history, especially in America, people have started with nothing and built huge empires, there are many examples of this, but one of the most amazing is Henry Ford's story.

I grew up not having as much as other kids at my school. I always had enough to eat, but I wore clothes my mom would buy at a garage sale. I remember in the 5th grade the kids would call me "poor boy" because of the clothes I was wearing. That kind of ridicule left a lasting impression on me, it created a hunger for wealth that would never go away. At the age of 12 I started working a paper route to earn extra money. Of course, I spent my money on new clothes, but I did put $50 a month towards my college education. Now that I'm grown up I still have this insatiable desire for wealth, not just because of my desire for material things, but because I know I can use my wealth to help others.

One of my favorite authors, Robert Greene, talks about this in his blog. You can read the whole article here.

"When your environment presses upon you with limitations, you feel it all of the time, and you are called to respond in some way. The tightness makes you hungry for more, to break beyond the limitations. This is what will afflict people who are poor, who start with nothing. And Machiavelli, like myself, is drawn to what he calls New Princes, those who rise to the top from the very bottom. Princes, those born to privilege, find themselves in an environment that is loose, that has few constrictions. Most Princes create nothing worthwhile in this world; they are good at squandering what others have accumulated.

This pressure from the environment does not have to be material poverty. It can be something psychological. You feel unhappy with the world around you and compelled to change something about it or yourself. This dissatisfaction is constant and it focuses your energy."

Greene later goes on to say that there are too many "Old Princes" in America and not enough "New Princes". I've decided that I will be a "New Prince", because that is what America needs right now - someone who knows what it's like to be a little guy, someone who knows what it's like to have nothing, but also knows what it's like to have everything. We have too many George W. Bush's leading us and not enough Bill Clinton's. Not that I'm a huge fan of either president, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding.

This is why I decided to build a network marketing business. Network marketing gives people the opportunity to start with nothing and build a huge business, with good products and a system already in place. Provided they make the decision and take the necessary action, success if virtually guaranteed. I'm convinced that anyone can succeed in a networking business, the reason why most people fail in network marketing is lack of action, which stems from a lack of desire. People get to comfortable with their lives and will justify not changing something they are dissatisfied with by telling themselves "it's not that bad" or "someday I'll change this". Well the road to "someday" leads to a town of "nowhere" and "nowhere" is not a place you want to see.

Do not fall into this trap, if there's something that you are dissatisfied with, tell yourself that it's horrible, and that you will no longer tolerate this situation. Create that hunger in yourself, that hunger will drive you out of mediocrity and into something extraordinary.

If you're hungry like I am, and want to succeed in your networking business, you need to see how I am generating 100-150 leads every day for my networking business and making money at the same time. To learn more about what I'm doing, click here.

See Also:

Robert Greene's Blog:

My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford

The Prince and The Discourses

The self-branded system I use to generate 100-150 leads for my business every day

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