A funded proposal is a fairly new way of building a network marketing business. With this system, network marketers make money to fund their advertising endeavors and gain new prospects for their network marketing business.
The basic funded proposal system involves selling an informational product to an interested prospect, usually in the form of an e-book or even a hard copy book. Through the sale, you capture your prospect’s contact information and generate revenue that can be used for future marketing efforts.
But the real power of the funded proposal system is that it positions you as a leader. You were able to market a product to your prospect effectively, make a sale, and capture their contact information. When you call this person, you are now coming in at higher value because you’ve done something they don’t know how to do. You will be much more likely to form a business partnership with your prospect than if you had just approached them cold off the street or through some other means on the Internet.
Another added benefit is that if you have the right system, you now have this person on your e-mail list; they’ve bought from you in the past, so they trust you and will are more likely to buy from you in the future. Even if they don’t buy from you, but still enter their e-mail address you are building your list. Building your list is a fundamental concept in Internet marketing, as they say - the money is in the list.
For information on some specific funded proposal systems and how each one works, see my other post - An In-depth Look at Some Popular Funded Proposal Systems
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